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Discuss the origins, main teachings and influences of Jainism. What is the reason for the fall of religion? What is the difference with Buddhism?

 Discuss the origins, main teachings and influences of Jainism.  What is the reason for the fall of religion?  What is the difference with Buddhism? 
 Symbol of Jainism
 Answer: Towards the end of the Vedic period, the protest movement against social discrimination and caste system and yagayajna religion was formed in India based on its ideology.  There are about 63 religions in the atheist and theist sects.  Of which Buddhism and Jainism were particularly noteworthy.  The origin of Jainism and Jainism and Buddhism are almost contemporary.  Although Mahavira is considered to be the promoter of Jainism, Jains think that there were twenty-three before him.  Tirthankara, the pioneer of liberation, nurtured Jainism.  The first was Tirthankar.  Rishabhdev and the last Tirthankara is Mahavira.  By among these twenty-four Tirthankars no historical traces of twenty-two have been found.  There is some news in Jain scriptures about the twenty-third Tirthankara  Parshvanath.
Parshvanath Jain

Parshvanath: Parshvanath was the originator of Jainism.  It can be said about him that he was the son of a king of Kashi and was born about two hundred fifty  years before the birth of Mahavira.  At the age of thirty, Peshwanath abandoned the luxury palace.  He became a monk and attained full enlightenment after three months of rigorous penance.  The advice he preaches about religion is known as Chaturyam. 
 Mahabir Jain

 Mahabir: Mahabir was the last Tirthankar of Jainism.  He only reformed the religion introduced by Parshvanath.  His main role was as a reformer.  Along with the Chaturyam ideal propagated by Parshvanath, there is an ideal in Mahavira and that is Shuchita or Brahmacharya.  Leaving the family at the age of 30, after 12 long years of hard work, he attained Kaibalya or Siddhi and became known as Jin or Jitendriya.
                               Mahabir was born about 540 BC in the district of Mozaffarpur in Bihar .He is called Mahavira because he conquered happiness and sorrow and Panch Ripu through Kaibalya and Paramgyana, and his followers and disciples became known as Jains from Jin.  After gaining Kaibalya, he preached the religion in Magadha, Koshal, Anga, Mithila, Nalanda, Vaishali, Rajgriha etc .In North-East India for about 30 years and converted many men and women to Jainism.  He died of starvation at a place called Para near Rajgir at the age of 72 in 468 BC.  At a meeting of the Jains convened at Pataliputra in the 3rd century BC, the advice of Mahavira was compiled into twelve parts, known as the twelfth part, written in the Prakrit language.

  Fundamentals of Jainism: The four principles of non-violence introduced by Parshvanath, namely, non-violence, truth, infallibility, non-acceptance and Brahmacharya introduced by Mahavira.  According to Jainism, true faith, true knowledge and true behavior - these three qualities are the three gems of man.  With the help of these three qualities, the liberation of the soul is the perfect stone.  Can be gained.  In Jainism, the infallibility of the Vedas, the effectiveness of the Yajna or the existence of God.  Is not acknowledged.  However, like Hindus, this religion believes in karma and reincarnation.
                                The Jains consider austerities to be the only way to know the eternal truth.  In Jainism, it is believed that only by observing the Panchamahabrata and austerities can one be freed from the bondage of karma and reincarnation.  In Jainism, the slightest cut or killing of an animal is considered a great sin.  Jains believe in the existence of life in all things, even in stone and metal.  It is said in Jainism that man is finally liberated by living a life of penance and moderation and sacrifice.  For this reason in Jainism, relatives, subjects are all told to look different from life.  In Jainism, it is said to lead a simple and unpretentious life for the common man.  It places special value on honesty and frugality.  In the case of property, the rule of Jainism is that no one should have more than necessary.  Mahavira places special emphasis on the theory of non-acquisition.
                                       Kalpasutra by Jain Shramana Bhadrabahu is the first Jain scripture written in Prakrit language.  Among the Sanskrit scholars in Jainism, Bhadrabahu Hemchandra and Habibhadra are notable.

 Spread of Jainism: Although Jainism first gained popularity in East India, it later disappeared and gained stability in West India.  Bimbisara and Ajatashatru were the first to popularize Jainism in the kingdoms of Magadha, Anga, Koshal etc.  Chandragupta Maurya was also probably a follower of Jainism.  Two hundred years after Mahavira's death, Bhadrabahu preached in South India and preached Digambar.  This religion gained equal popularity in Tamil Nadu.  King Kharbel of Orissa was keen on spreading Jainism.  Jainism is equally popular in Rajasthan, Malab and Gujarat. Stholbhadra in Magadha, shetambar or white cloth was worn and Jainism was promoted for popularity, but Jainism did not spread outside India as it was a matter of extreme austerity.

Influence of Jainism: The influence of Jainism in the social, economic, cultural and religious life of Indian history is immense.
 (1) The Jains were the first to successfully protest against the caste system and to encourage the establishment of social equality.
  (2) It was these Jains who first preached the ideal of non-violence in India.  He emphasized on the upliftment of the soul rather than the pomp of the Vedic religion.
 (3) All people will be able to attain enlightenment only through honest deeds - this teaching of Jainism was able to free the society from the tainted influence of theft, robbery, lying etc.
 (4) The Jains adopted Prakrit as the language of the common people, rejecting the language and culture of the upper classes.
 (5) Not only Prakrit language, but also Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Kanari etc. were enriched for them.  Jain monks were so enthusiastic about literature that copying any scripture was considered a virtue to them.  For this reason  Many ancient manuscripts are still preserved in Jain temples in different parts of India.
 (6) The influence of Jains can be noticed in Indian architecture, sculpture and painting.  Jain caves in Khandagiri and Udayagiri hills of Orissa, Jain temples in Junagadh and Ilara, the first method of painting on paper, etc. were all contributions of Jains.

  The reason for the fall of Jainism: Although Jainism had its initial success, its progress was hampered within a few hundred years.

(1) Divide - Shwetambar and Dvigambar: Divide among the followers of Jainism is one of the reasons for the downfall of this religion.  In the third century BC, they were divided into two communities - Shwetambar and Dwigambar.  This division could not be stopped by calling various religious meetings.

(2) Lack of popularity of Dharma Sahitya: Jain scriptures and Dharma Sahitya have very difficult dry discussion but it could attract experts but it was not understood by the common people.

(3) Moderation and austerity:  Its not possible for all householder to observe strict adherence to austerities and strictness of the Jain religion.

(4) Influence of Hinduism: In the first age,  yagayajna was against, but in the later age. Jains adopt Hindu rituals and some class distinctions.  Thus, in the face of the liberalism of Hinduism, their separate existence began to disappear.

 Similarities and differences between Jainism and Buddhism:

 (1) Both Jainism and Buddhism developed in East India at about the same time and were introduced in protest of Brahmanism.  Proponents of both religions viz.  Both Mahavira and Buddha belonged to the royal family.

(2) Both religions deny the infallibility of the Vedas and do not believe in the existence of God.  But he believes in karma and reincarnation.  The ultimate goal of both is Nirvana.

(3) They both do not recognize caste and Brahman predominance.  However, both religions preach in simple and compelling language.

(4) They condemn the killing of animals and believe in non-violence.  They both advocated moderate living in an organized and principled manner.  However, both religions later split into two sects.


   (1) The deities of the two religions and the scriptures are completely different.

 (2) Jains place importance on penance and austerities.  But it is possible for many Buddhists to follow the eightfold path of Buddhism.

 (3) Jains believe that all inanimate matter has life.  But Buddhists do not.

 (4) The influence of Hinduism on Jainism is somewhat greater.  Buddhists do not want to accept any connection with Hinduism.  But the Jains worship some Hindu deities and in practice they also adhere to caste.

1) Early history of India-V.A. Smith.
2)Ancient India-R.C. Majumder.
3)Indian History - Rumila Thapper .(Bengali book)
4)Indian History (1st part)-Atul chandra roy.(Bengali book)
5)Ancient Indian History-Sunil Chattopadhaya.(Bengali book)

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