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Discuss the principles of Buddhism. Reasons for the decline of Buddhism in India. Influence of Buddhism.

Discuss the principles of Buddhism.  The reasons for the decline of Buddhism in India. Influence of Buddhism

Gautam Buddha

  Answer: The two most powerful religions that emerged in the sixth century BC in response to the corrupt and superstitious religious beliefs of the Vedic age and social and economic inequality were Buddhism and Jainism.  The complexity of the Vedic religion and the excess of Yajnas and the severity of casteism made the minds of the people disgusted with the Vedic religion and at that time Gautam Buddha and Mahabir, the heroes of the protesting religion movement,
He inspired people from all walks of life through education and religion.  The religion of the Buddha was very beautiful, simple and principled. 

 Principles of Buddhism: Gautama Buddha was a realist reformer whose doctrine was centered on worldly problems.  To solve this problem, he resorted to certain principles, such as abstaining from wrongdoing, keeping the mind pure, and saving what is good.  Buddha did not record the principles of his religion anywhere. After his death, his main disciples gathered in the palace to record his principles and teachings so that his teachings would not be forgotten.  Its name is Tripitaka.  There are three Buddhist Pitaks, namely, Bin Pitak, Sutra Pitak and Abhidharma Pitak.  The basic tenets of Buddhism are known from the Pitaka, which were as follows:

(1) Silent about the existence of God: Buddhism does not acknowledge the existence of God and the soul.  The Buddha also made no mention of gods and goddesses.  

(2) Liberalism and Democracy: This caste system of Brahmanical, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra Vedic religions has been strongly hated for accepting disciples in Buddhism.  The doors of the Buddhist Association were also open to women and women were given equal status with men.  So Buddhism was much more liberal and democratic than Brahmanical religion.  

(3) The medium of Buddhism was simple language: The medium of Buddhism was Pali, the simple language used by the common people.  For this reason, Buddhism was inaccessible to the common people.  

(4) The pillars of Buddhism are three elements: Buddhism had three special elements - Buddha, Sangha and Dharma.  These three were the pillars of Buddhism.  

(5) Principles proclaimed as the means of emancipation of human beings: One of the truths that Buddha has mentioned as the emancipation of human beings from the sufferings of the world is (a) Aryasatya, (b) belief in reincarnation and karma, (c) Astangik marga, (d)  Moderation, (e) Panchasila policy, (f) Buddhist association, (g) The path to Nirvana. 

 (A) Aryasatya: Gautama Buddha's doctrine is based on four main truths which are known as Aryasatya.  
These four truths are -
(a) there is sorrow in the world, 
(b) there is a cause of sorrow, 
(c) there is an end to sorrow,
(d) there is a way to end sorrow.  According to the Buddha, the real cause of sorrow is human addiction or thirst.  Addiction can be eradicated to get rid of sorrow

 (B) Belief in reincarnation and karma - the Buddha believed that after the death of man, his soul is reborn in a new body.  Even if he is born again, he has to share the karma of the previous birth.  From action comes addiction and thirst and from it comes sorrow.So getting rid of this karmic part by improving the soul by doing good deeds 

(C)  Astangik Marg: Buddhadeb has instructed to follow Ashtapantha or Astangik Marg as the best way to attain Nirvana by ending the worldly thirst.  These eight paths are: (1) correct view, ;  (2) correct intention
(3) correct speech;
(4) correct action, ;  
(5) correct livelihood
(6) correct effort;  
(7) correct mindfulness,   
(8) correct concentration
Buddhadeva says that if you follow the first three ways, you will be pious or respectful, if you follow the second three ways, you will have peace of mind and if you follow the last two ways, you will have wisdom.

 (D) Moderation: Buddha used to place special emphasis on moderation.  According to him, following the middle path by giving up the two ends, that is, excessive lust and excessive austerity, is called moderation.  The Buddha called for the observance of non-violence.  He thinks that the establishment of peace and equality in society and individual life is possible only through non-violence. 

(E) Buddhist Association: Buddhadeb established an association with Buddhists.  This sangha is also known as Buddhist monastery and gradually this sangha became an essential part of Buddhism.  

(F) The Path to Nirvana: In addition to the Eightfold Path, Buddha gave some moral advice to his disciples which are considered to be part of his religion. Such as - not to lie, not to steal, not to live by looking at other people's property, to refrain from violence, not to indulge in corruption, etc.  Nirvana is eternity and liberation.  Birth is the cause of sorrow, if Nirvana is attained, there will be no rebirth.  The above principles are observed in Buddhism and Buddhism spread rapidly in India and beyond.  Despite being wiped out from its homeland, Buddhism is still a living religion in many countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia.  

Reasons for the decline of Buddhism in India: The extinction of Buddhism in India was due to various reasons. 
 (1) Lack of royal patronage: The spread of Buddhism depended on royal favor.  Apart from Kanishka and Harshavardhana, no other notable king was seen to patronize Buddhism in later times.  As a result, the influence of this religion on the masses is diminishing. 
 (2) Introduction of Tantricism in Buddhism: Later, when Tantricism was introduced in Buddhism and Buddhists followed the method of worship of Hinduism, idol worship, establishment of temples, etc.Initially, it was easier for Hinduism to bring Buddhists back to Hinduism.  As a result, the difference between Buddhism and Vedic Hinduism diminished and Buddhism lost its popularity in India.  
(3) Revival of Hinduism: As a result of the emergence of Lingayet, Vaishnava etc. communities, new life was breathed into Hinduism.  The propagation of Hinduism by Shankaracharya, Kumaril Bhatta, etc., led to the revival of Hinduism and was easily able to eradicate decaying Buddhism.  
(4) Extinction of Buddhist characteristics: Buddhist monks also deviated from the common people.  Abandoning the commonly used language Pali, they began to study Panini's grammar and jurisprudence written in Sanskrit.  As a result, Buddhists gradually lost their uniqueness and failed to spread Buddhism in India. 
 (5) Sectarian division: After the death of the Buddha, many communities were formed among the monks.  Chief among them were Theravadi and Mahasanghika.  Conflict between them weakens Buddhism.  At a conference of the Buddhist Association convened in Vaishali, the Buddhist monks split into two communities, the Mahayana and the Hinayana.  This sectarian division erodes the vitality of Buddhism.  
(6) Corruption and lawlessness in Buddhism: Over time, many undesirable lakes enter the Buddhist monks' association, and if corruption and lawlessness occur among them, the appeal of Buddhism decreases.  The main reason for this corruption is the abundance of money and gaining royal favor.  When there is an abundance of money, the laborers become luxurious and comfortable.  As a result, the image of Buddhism in the eyes of the people was destroyed.  
(7) Advent of Islam: Attracted by the wealth of Buddhist monasteries, Muslim invaders destroyed many Buddhist monasteries and monasteries.  Many Buddhists were converted to Islam.  Some fled to Nepal and Tibet again.  As a result, extinction in Buddhism is complete.
Gautam Buddha

Importance / Influence of Buddhism: 

Buddhism gradually spread to many countries in Central Asia, Far East and Southeast Asia in India and outside India.  The influence of Buddhism on Indian religion, society and cultural life is observed.  Because :-
(1) Buddhism establishes equal rights for all instead of strictness of Vedic religion, Yajna, caste system and rituals of all religions.  

(2) In Buddhism, women are given equal rights with men.  He gave women the right to form nuns' association by joining her association.  As a result, Indian women became educated and self-respecting. 

 (3) Buddha opened the door of religion for all, rich and poor, irrespective of high and low.  King Bhimsa, Ajatashatru, rich merchant, orphan Pindak, Saripatta, lower caste people Ananda and Upali, bandit Angulimal, prostitute Amrapali are all Buddhadevs Apanbhebe pulled closer.  

(4) Buddha left the complexity of the conventional Sanskrit language and placed emphasis on the spoken language or Pali.  As a result, Pali language became very rich. 

 (5) In Buddhism, commercial transactions, war money lending, and sea voyages have been permitted.  Moreover, the ideology of non-violence and anti-war propaganda in this religion helped in the expansion of trade. 

 (6) Finally, it can be said that Lord Buddha wanted to develop the first democratic ideology in India.  Each of the Buddhist associations he founded was a self-contained democratic institution.

1)Ancient India-R.C. Majumder .
2)Ashoka- Bhandarkar.
3)Wonder what was India-A.L. Basham.
4)Early History of India -V.A. Smith. 

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